Many teachers offer various counseling services that students can take advantage of. The Driland Kolleg's counseling services are part of the school concept. All counselors are specially qualified for their counseling services and have created tailor-made counseling concepts.
School career
If you have any specific questions about your school career, you can contact the school management. Appointments with the school management in Gronau or the branch office management in Ahaus are available by appointment.
Upper School
Claudia Naatz, the sixth form coordinator, is the contact person for students with questions about the sixth form course system, such as the choice of basic and advanced courses. Advice is given on an individual basis and is therefore an aid to the successful acquisition of the advanced technical college entrance qualification and the Abitur, especially in the case of performance problems.
Career choice - job application training
Many people find it difficult to find their way in the world of work and make decisions for the next phase of their lives, especially if they do not receive any support.
The same applies to questions about the best individual presentation of application documents and for job interviews. Professional advice helps with everything. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Uta Riedl.
Life crisis
Psychosocial counseling, which is offered by Vanessa Märte, sees itself as a support service for students in difficult life situations, both at school and in their private lives. The task of the counselors is to accompany students in challenging life situations and crises and to offer them orientation, decision-making and coping support or, if necessary, to refer them to suitable external institutions. All requests for help are treated confidentially and the contents of conversations are not passed on to anyone else - not even within the school.
Ms. Märte is supported by our school social worker Magdalene Bücker. You can also reach Ms. Bücker on: 0151-68844909