Exterior view of main office

Student BAföG


Link to general information on BAföG

From the 3rd semester of evening secondary school, students are entitled to parent-dependent BAföG. This application for student BAföG must be submitted to the district in which the parents reside.

Link to the student BAföG information for the Borken district,

Link to the student BAföG information for the Coesfeld district,

Link to the student BAföG information for the Steinfurt district.

At the Kolleg you are entitled to parent-independent BAföG from the very beginning, at the Abendgymnasium you can apply for student BAföG from the 4th semester. This application is always submitted to the Borken district . Link to the Borken district student BAföG information

(You can find the BAföG application at BAföG-Digital. Link to the BAföG application at BAföG-Digital )