Logo School finish differently

Range of subjects

Range of subjects

SubjectOffered in the educational programContents
Labor theoryNight school
BiologyAll educational programs
ChemistryAll educational programs
GermanAll educational programs
EnglishAll educational programs


All educational programs
HistoryAll educational programs
MathematicsAll educational programsTopic overview ARS
Topic overview AG and K
DutchEvening high school and college
PhilosophyEvening high school and collegeTopic overview AG and K
PhysicsAll educational programs
PoliticsNight school
ReligionAll educational programs
SociologyEvening high school and college
Social SciencesNight school

You can find the core curricula for our range of subjects here: Curriculum Navigator NRW for WBKs

The core curriculum for the Realschule provides orientation in the subjects of the Abendrealschule in which no core curriculum for the Abendrealschule is specified (all subjects except German, mathematics, English).