Since 2023, we have been participating in the state's Education and Health program as a further education college in order to qualify as a good healthy school. In line with our guiding principle of "respect", we respect the health of all those involved in school life as the most valuable asset that must be safeguarded, supported and maintained in the long term. The multidimensional nature of the concept of health, which includes physical, mental, social and ecological well-being, makes it clear that health promotion is a cross-sectional task for schools. This includes integral structures as well as processes that permanently anchor the principles of salutogenesis in the school system. Through the positive effect of transparency, empowerment and a connection to the world, the promotion of health creates important prerequisites for the implementation of the educational mission. Our incentive to implement health promotion in schools is that we pursue a holistic educational concept that does not view the individual areas of work as separate from one another, but as interrelated.
To prevent and promote the health of students and teachers, we are particularly committed to healthy eating, mental health and addiction prevention. Our school regularly organizes numerous campaigns and theme weeks during the semester that touch on both individual health and a healthy school environment. There is a strong overlap with the area of education for sustainable development (ESD) in particular.
Specification of the term "healthy" and expansion of the school mission statement by conference resolution of the college on 05.12.2023 to include the following guiding principles:
We see active health promotion in the classroom and in extracurricular activities as an elementary component of school education.
We create and maintain structures that enable participation and support the health and well-being of everyone involved in school life.
We understand health care as an action that includes sustainability activities and the creation of an environmentally sensitive awareness.
We are particularly committed to implementing health-promoting measures in the areas of healthy eating, mental health and addiction prevention.